A Dive Into Cubism, 2019.
A Dive Into Cubism, 2019.
Girl In A Window, 2019.
Girl In A Window, 2019.
Skull, 2019.
Skull, 2019.
Ostracized, 2018.
Ostracized, 2018.
Silly Face Self Portrait, 2017
Silly Face Self Portrait, 2017
Change, 2019.
Change, 2019.
The watering cans at the top of the piece represent life, and are positioned so that they are only watering the two plants on the sides and not the middle. If you look closely at the roots of the plants, you will see that they wrap around the works “Big Business” and “NRA”.  The middle plant is the only one that breaks through the soil, and one mere drop is falling into the bucket on top of the woman’s head. She is the only source of life in her world, which is displayed through color. Beneath her, there are hands reaching towards her, begging for the little water that she has. The lack of water going towards the middle plant/the impoverished area represents how resources and help is given to things that don’t need it (shown through side plants) rather than to places that are desperate for aid (shown through the tinier middle plant and through the single drop of water going into the girl’s bucket). 

Wheat In The Petals

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